Photography has been in my life ever since I was a child when I ran around with a Polaroid camera thinking I was doing big things with instant photos.
I've always loved seeing how someone else sees the world in an image they've captured, and to become part of that world professionally is thrilling and fulfilling for me.
I started off with a point-and-shoot Fuji camera taking photos of New Orleans' fantastic urban life and wound up showing them in The Fielding Gallery in downtown Covington. The gallery has since closed, but I remember being terrified of having someone ask me what camera I used to take these views. That's when I came to the realization that you can do great things with little beginnings. No one had to know I had taken these photos with a cheap camera to appreciate them. Never let fear of someone else's judgement cripple your creativity or talent!
I take every opportunity that is meaningful to me and my work to expand my talents and explore new techniques!
